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The most well-known Kerala Folklore Museum

 Certainly! Let me guide you around the Kerala Folklore Museum, an architectural wonder that combines history, culture, and innovation.

A unique architectural gem.

The Kerala Folklore Museum, located in Kochi, is a tribute to the lives and cultures of ordinary people during the last 1000 years. What actually distinguishes it is not just its extensive collection of antiques, but also how it harmoniously integrates numerous architectural styles.

Imagine a three-story skyscraper made from the bones and sinews of 25 historic structuresIt took seven and a half years to finish, and the results are astounding.. The museum's wood and laterite front oozes elegance, welcoming visitors into a world of brilliant colors and rich tradition.

Inside, nearly 6000 objects come to life. Stone, wood, and bronze sculptures are shown with old pottery, jewelry, paintings, oil lamps, musical instruments, tribal art, masks, and traditional forms. Each item tells a tale of South India's past, namely Kerala's coastal heritage.

George J Thaliath's Passion: The late art dealer George J Thaliath dedicated his life to safeguarding Kerala's cultural heritage. He explored old temples, churches, and collapsing homes to save items from oblivion. His enthusiasm transformed the museum into a creative pandemonium, a kaleidoscope of changing hues and time.

Restoration: The building is a love project in and of itself. Skilled woodworkers carefully assembled 700 cubic meters of wood from dilapidated dwellings. The architecture embodies three distinct styles, Malabar, Cochin, and Travancore, which represent different regions of Kerala.

Annie's Playground: George's wife, Annie, now runs the museum. For her, the past was a massive jigsaw puzzle. She and her son, Jacob, continue to nurture this treasure trove, where history and art mix.

In the fragrant confines of the Kerala Folklore Museum, past and present dance together—a celebration of Kerala’s soul. 🌴🎨🏛️

How can visitors experience the museum virtually

Certainly! You may virtually visit the Kerala Folklore Museum from the comfort of your home. Here's how.

360 Virtual Tour: The museum provides a 360 virtual reality tour, allowing internet visitors to explore its extensive collection from any location and at any time. Immerse yourself in the core of Kerala's life and culture during the last 1,000 years. The tour covers everything, from wooden floors to antique roofing tiles, and highlights traditional architectural elements.

Architectural marvel: The museum's main structure is a stunning installation made from around 25 destroyed traditional buildings. It reflects three distinct Kerala architectural schools: Malabar, Cochin, and Travancore. The timber, laterite stone, and antique antiques create an enthralling atmosphere.

Antiques & antiquities: Browse over 4000 antiquities, including stone sculptures, terracotta, jewelry, paintings, musical instruments, tribal art, and more. Discover costumes from dance traditions such as Mohiniattam and Theyyam, ancient chairs, and even the earliest Bible.

Put on your virtual xploration cap and head into the Kerala Folklore Museum for a cultural and historical journey.! 🌴🏛️

What function does folklore play in Keralan society?

Folklore plays an important role in Kerala society, exhibiting its rich cultural legacy. Let's look at how folklore impacts the life of Keralites.

Folklore describes traditional beliefs, habits, rituals, and expressions. It threads the fabric of Kerala's identity, bringing generations together via shared tales and practices.

Kerala's official language, Malayalam, has a rich literary legacy. Renowned authors like as Vaikom Muhammad Basheer, Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai, and MT Vasudevan Nair have all contributed to this tradition. Folklore pervades their works, portraying the character of Keralans and their struggles.

Performing Arts: Kerala has a varied range of art formsThe extravagant clothes and intense movements that define Kathakali make it unique. Classical music, particularly Carnatic music, flourishes here. Folk melodies such as Mappila Pattu and Onappattu lend color to daily life. Kaikottikali, Oppana, and Duffmuttu are traditional dances that are performed on festive occasions.

Festivals: Kerala celebrates several festivals throughout the year. Onam, with its opulent feasts, boat races, and ethnic dances, is the centerpiece. These celebrations, rich in mythology, link communities and reinforce cultural bonds.

In essence, folklore in Kerala connects the past and present by conserving the wisdom, values, and creative expressions that characterize the spirit of this enchanted state. 🌴🎭🎶

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