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Which foods are ideal to consume when experiencing heartburn


Making the correct dietary choices may have a big impact on managing heartburn. Let's look at a few heartburn-friendly choices

Chewing Gum

It may surprise you to learn that occasionally chewing gum might reduce heartburn symptoms. Saliva production is increased, which aids in the neutralization of stomach acid in the esophagus.

Good Fats

Choose fats that are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. These consist of several types of seafood, nuts, seeds, avocados, and canola oil. Remember to consume them in moderation.


Honey covers the lining of your stomach and esophagus, lowering the risk of acid reflux. Honey on a spoon may be calming.

Low-Fat and Nonfat Dairy

Select dairy products with less fat, such as cheese, yogurt, and milk. They are less likely to exacerbate symptoms of heartburn.

Non-Citrus Fruits

Choose apples, bananas, grapes, melons (such as watermelon and cantaloupe), and pears in place of citrus fruits. They are delicious as whole fruits, applesauce, or juice that has just been pressed.

Lean Meats & Seafood

Choose fish, poultry, or chicken. When cooking, use less butter and oil and more baking, broiling, or grilling techniques.

Which prevalent factors cause heartburn

There are several things that might cause heartburn. Let's examine a few typical ones:

Large Meals

Consuming large meals might cause the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to become under pressure, slowing down digestion and enabling stomach acids to pass through. Rather than indulging, opt to eat smaller, more regular meals.

Acidic Foods

Tomatoes, citrus fruits, and their juices are acidic and can cause heartburn, particularly when consumed empty-handed.
Coffee can also aggravate heartburn since it contains acids in addition to caffeine. Think about low-acid or decaf varieties.

Spicy meals

Some spicy meals might make heartburn worse, though scientists aren't quite sure why. For example, chilis may lower the LES pressure, which permits acid reflux.

Foods High in Fat

Fried meals such as pizza and french fries cause the creation of acid, which irritates the esophagus. Additionally, greasy meals relax the LES, increasing the risk of heartburn.

Coffee with Alcohol

Caffeine, which is present in coffee, cola, and tea, and alcoholic beverages like wine and beer can relax the LES and let stomach acids escape.

Onion with Garlic

Some people may experience pain from these meals, however the precise mechanism is yet unclear.

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