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God's Own Country Kerala and Kerala legendry tourism and culture must be known

God's Own Country Kerala[kerala Tourism and culture]


sometimes known as 'God's Own Country,' is a tropical paradise located in southern India. It's a location full of natural beauty, from the turquoise Arabian Sea to the emerald green backwaters, the lush Western Ghats mountain ranges, and the expansive tea gardens. Kerala's distinctive landscape offers a calm respite to those who visit. The state's backwaters, a complex of interconnecting canals, rivers, lakes, and inlets, are a must-see. A houseboat trip on these backwaters provides a quiet and gorgeous glimpse into rural Kerala life. The state is also known for its beaches, such as Kovalam and Varkala, which offer the ideal combination of sun, sand, and sea.

Kerala's rich cultural legacy is another attraction for travelers

 The state has a rich cultural heritage that includes dance styles like Kathakali and Mohiniyattam, martial arts like Kalaripayattu, and festivals like Onam and Thrissur Pooram.

Visitors may see these cultural treasures directly during performances and festivals hosted throughout the year.

Ayurvedic remedies

The state is well known for its Ayurvedic remedies. Many resorts provide wellness packages that include revitalizing therapies to cure and soothe the body and mind. These therapies are based on traditional traditions including natural herbs and oils.

Wildlife Sanctuary

Kerala has various wildlife reserves, including Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary and Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, where visitors may see elephants, tigers, leopards, and a variety of birds. Hill stations such as Munnar and Wayanad provide cool escapes from the warm temperature of the lowlands. They are also home to large tea and spice plantations.

Kerala's food

is another must-try. It is famous for its use of coconut, seafood, and spices to produce delectable meals that are distinctive to the region. From the well-known Kerala Sadya to delectable seafood curries, there's something for everyone's taste.


In terms of infrastructure, Kerala has well-developed highways, railroads, and airports, making travel easier for tourists. The state also provides a variety of housing alternatives, ranging from luxury resorts to low-cost homestays.

Overall, Kerala has an attractive combination of natural beauty, cultural richness, wellness treatments, gastronomic pleasures, and modern conveniences, making it a great destination for tourists looking for a diverse and fulfilling experience.

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