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Lifestyle disorders in Kerala

Lifestyle disorders 

Kerala despite its tremendous accomplishments and high literacy rate, confronts a big challenge from lifestyle disorders, generally known as noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). These are health problems caused mostly by one's lifestyle, and they include ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Dietary changes, sedentary lifestyles, stress, and tobacco and alcohol use have all contributed to the growth in chronic diseases in Kerala.

The traditional Kerala diet,

 which is rich in coconut oil and spices, has changed as people consume more manufactured meals high in sugar and bad fats. This trend has led to the rising incidence of obesity and diabetes. The state has one of the highest diabetes rates in India, with a sizable proportion of the population suffering from this chronic ailment.

Sedentary behavior is another key cause of lifestyle illnesses.

 As more individuals work at desks and spend their spare time in front of screens, there is less physical exercise, which leads to weight gain and associated health risks such as cardiovascular disease. Regular exercise is essential for keeping a healthy weight and avoiding disorders such as hypertension, which is another frequent health issue in Kerala.

Stress has a tremendous impact on the health of Keralites 

The fast-paced nature of modern living, competitive work situations, and social demands can all contribute to chronic stress, which has been related to a variety of health issues, including heart disease and psychological issues like depression

Furthermore, the use of tobacco and alcohol has been linked to an increased risk of cancer and liver illness. Despite awareness efforts and restrictions, these practices remain prevalent in the population, adding to the burden of lifestyle illnesses.

To address these challenges

 public health campaigns must encourage good eating habits, regular physical exercise, stress management skills, and reduced tobacco and alcohol usage. Education is critical in prevention; therefore, awareness initiatives are required to enlighten the public about the hazards connected with unhealthy lifestyles.

To summarize,

 lifestyle disorders offer a substantial health burden in Kerala. Addressing them necessitates a multidimensional strategy that involves individual behavior changes, community-based treatments, and government policies aimed at creating a healthy environment for everyone.

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